A Turn for the Worse (Using Turn Signals)

September 26, 2021

Distracted driving is bad, you know that. Daydreaming, talking on the cell phone, putting your makeup on in the rear view mirror. All bad. But there's something else that causes more than twice as many accidents, according to a recent study. And that's people who don't use their turn signals.... More

All About Your TPMS in Perrysburg

September 19, 2021

Perrysburg drivers know that underinflated tires wear out more quickly. Underinflation is also a major cause of tire failure for Ohio auto owners. More flats, blow outs, skids and longer stopping distances are all results of underinflated tires.It's hard for many Perrysburg drivers to tell when a... More

Got it Covered! (Timing Cover Maintenance)

September 12, 2021

You may have heard at one time or another about something called a timing belt or timing chain in your engine. And you may know that if they fail well, let's just way that there can be some major engine damage. So obviously, we want our timing belts and chains to be in tip-top shape. One part t... More

Automotive Tips from Tuffy Tire & Auto Perrysburg: Serpentine Belt System Wear

September 5, 2021

The primary job of the serpentine belt for Perrysburg drivers is to provide important traction to spin the accessories. As the belt wears it loses some of its grip and the accessories may not spin at optimal speeds. For example, if your alternator doesnt spin fast enough, the battery will not com... More

What to Do in Case of an Accident in Perrysburg

August 29, 2021

Screeching tires, crunching metal it's an accident! If you've ever been in a car accident in Perrysburg, even a minor one, you know how upsetting it can be. It's hard to think straight and know what to do.Let's review what Perrysburg drivers should do in case of an accident:When an accident occ... More

Conventional or Synthetic? (Switching to Synthetic Oil)

August 22, 2021

If you keep up on technology trends, then you may be intrigued about synthetic motor oil. It was introduced in the 1960s when Mobil came up with it. Mobil's oil was different from conventional motor oil because it was first broken down to its basic molecules. Then, Mobil removed additional imp... More

Let Tuffy Tire & Auto Perrysburg Help You Extend the Life of Your Car

August 15, 2021

If you haven't shopped in the Perrysburg area for a new vehicle recently, you're likely to experience some sticker shock. It seems everything is costing more these days. And when you consider the price of auto financing in Perrysburg, and insurance, the idea of hanging on to your old vehicle for ... More

Before You Buy that Used Vehicle (Having a Used Car Inspected Before Buying)

August 8, 2021

Let's face it. New vehicles are expensive, so finding a good used one can save drivers a lot of money. It's tempting to look through ads, find a private seller who has what you're looking for and pay a price you think is a great deal. But when you go over to look at a used car, do you really k... More

A Sticky Brake Situation (Parking Brake Service and Maintenance)

August 1, 2021

We've all been there. You park your vehicle on a steeper than usual hill and worry about it rolling down while you're running your errands. So you decide you'll use the parking brake. When you get back, you release the parking brake, hit the ignition, put it in gear anduh, ohyou can feel the p... More

Don't Neglect Your Spare (Spare Tire Care)

July 25, 2021

If you've ever had a flat tire, then you know welcome it is to have a spare tire that is properly inflated, in good shape and easy to get to. Problem is many of us don't even give our spare tire (if we even have one) a second thought. If you have an SUV or truck with a spare, it may be mounted o... More